Welcome | StellaPawsitiveChng
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I want to express my gratitude for your visit to Stella Pawsitive Change, a personal website dedicated to raising awareness about veterinary malpractice in loving memory of my cherished cat, Stella. I am wholeheartedly committed to advancing positive transformations within the veterinary industry, ensuring that no pet endures suffering due to negligence. Your support plays a pivotal role in bringing about these changes. Please note that I am not seeking donations.

My hope is for this website to evolve over time and emerge as a formidable resource for the public, facilitating connections with like-minded individuals from across the globe. If you have experienced a tragedy as a result of negligence or simply wish to express your support, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me or simply join and become a member to participate in the forums and groups. Having gone through the heartache of losing Stella, I recognize the importance of being heard and supported. This is why I created this community, a place where we can unite, discuss, share information, and drive meaningful change together.

a row of light hears


Our mission is to empower pet owners by shedding light on veterinary malpractice and negligence by advocating for accountability within the industry. We are committed to arming pet owners with the knowledge and resources needed to protect their treasured companions from potential harm. Through education, support, and relentless advocacy, we strive to ensure that every pet receives the highest quality of care they deserve. Join us in our mission to hold veterinarians to the highest standards of care, to bring about transparency, accountability, and justice in the field of veterinary medicine.

person holding sign says we demand justice + change

Our Story

StellaPawsitiveChange is a way to honor the memory of my beloved cat, Stella, who tragically lost her life due to veterinary negligence. The site was created to bring awareness to the issue of veterinary malpractice and the lack of accountability in the industry. Through my story and the stories of others, I hope to shed light on this issue and encourage change. Stella’s death was preventable and the veterinarian and clinic responsible for her death have not been held accountable. I hope to change that. Please join me in this fight to raise awareness for improved standards in the veterinary industry.

image of plant on top of books

Learn More

If you would like to learn more about veterinary malpractice or support this cause, please visit the resources page. You'll find a list of useful links to websites and articles on various topics related to veterinary medicine. While most of these sites are intended for veterinarians, what better way to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest trends and practices in the field without having a biased perspective. Take a look and feel free to reach out to me with any questions.

chalk writing on sidewalk says together we will change the world

Spread the Word

I believe in the importance of raising awareness about veterinary malpractice so we can move towards making change. My personal story is just one example of the harm that can be caused by negligent veterinary care. To help spread the word and educate others about this issue, I encourage you to share my story on social media. By sharing my story, we can help prevent similar tragedies from happening to other dearly loved pets.

Image by Clay Banks

Legal Resources

Seeking Justice

cat stella lying in her teepee

1. Animal Legal Defense Fund

The Animal Legal Defense Fund is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the rights and advancing the interests of animals through the legal system. This site covers endless amounts of information related to animal welfare. 

stella and oliver sleeping in cat tree

2. Legal Services for Animals

Securing legal support for cases of veterinary malpractice can be challenging, but with Joey's Legacy, you're not on your own. They provide expert assistance in maneuvering through the complexities of the legal world and ensure you receive the justice you're entitled to. As a fervent supporter of animal rights, I strongly endorse Joey's Legacy for those seeking legal recourse for veterinary misconduct. Reach out to them to discover more about their services and how they can aid you.

cat stella sleeping on couch

3. Report Veterinary Malpractice

If you suspect that your pet has been a victim of veterinary malpractice, report it to your state veterinary board.




For information on The California Veterinary Board statistics, click on the link below. Once you access, click on item 16 (c) and you will see the Enforcement report including the age of pending cases. It's a very long process. 



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Contact Me 


If you have any questions, need support or just feel like sharing anything, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. 

image of site creator holding both cats

Hi everyone. I'm Jennifer, Stella's mom... a.k.a MAMA BEAR. Thank you for joining me on this journey ❤️ 

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